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Set up your Development Environment


1. Install Rails

First, you must have a working version of Rails. Depending on your operating system, there is a different guide to follow:

2. Download a Text Editor (if required)

You will also need a text editor in which to write your code. If you already have one installed, feel free to skip this step. We use Sublime Text.

If you prefer another text editor like Vim, emacs, TextMate or Github’s Atom that’s fine too but these instructions will specifically mention Sublime.

Next steps

Once you’ve successfully installed Rails you’re ready to start.

First we need to determine which version of Rails you’re using. Open a command prompt and type:

rails -v

Ideally, this should be Rails 5.1.

Get Coding!

Older Versions of Rails

If you have an earlier version of Rails you can find the correct guide here: